You know how people trend hashtags like #BoycottTwitter – on Twitter? This was a little like that, only more absurd. There was a worldwide internet outage for about an hour on 8 June which meant netizens couldn’t access their social media, news portals and more. There were many theories about why there was an #InternetShutDown and there were many who claimed to be working to set things right.
The outage was experienced around the world.
This meant major problems for many: news sites, shopping portals everything was down. #InternetShutDown was trending.
How are people using the internet if the internet is down? It’s a logical question. Turns out all sites were not down, and something called Fastly was involved.
Fastly, an American cloud computing company claimed to have identified and fixed the problem.
They didn’t think that the internet getting back up was due to the efforts of Fastly.
All this was down and people were very worried indeed.
If the internet is down, how is it possible for me to tweet, asked some of the tweeple.
People were tweeting from the Twitter platform while elsewhere, there was panic.
Some non-tech-savvy person is responsible!
Perhaps some super-villain did it – accidentally.
This UK University is known to for its squirrels apparently – it says so on their Twitter bio. They made it clear that squirrels are not responsible.
This is the solution to most problems isn't it? Kyle of South Park demonstrates.
High-tech solution or the low-tech solution – whatever works.
…Reading a book!
Just head out – if you can where you are, that is.
Or just sleeping? There are many who depend upon the internet for their livelihood, after all.
While all around, things were going badly, Twitter seemed fine – trending the hashtag #InternetShutDown.
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