An arranged marriage is still very much the rule and not the exception in our country. People marry someone ‘suitable’ picked out by their families rather than choose a person they love or are compatible with. Now while people will often cite statistics about arranged marriages less likely to end in divorce than choice marriages, people had a lot of concerns to share about arranged matches. It was raining arranged marriage memes on Twitter:
Arranged marriage is scary said someone on Twitter. Then another someone and then another…
Is scary... for any of many discoveries you may make later, about the person you married.
It is common to find guys who take no important decision on their own… not a very attractive marriage prospect.
In India, the mother in law could be the difference between a good and a bad marriage.
Can be a deal breaker!
This is how we do it and have done it --- it seems to work for a lot of people.
A lot of people just don’t have the social skills, empathy or emotional maturity to find a partner on their own. For them, an arranged marriage is probably the only way they are ever going to get married.
Endogamy. Dowry. Lack of choice for the individuals involved. No chance to get to know each other before being expected to spend their lives together…this video justifying arranged marriage cleverly does the exact opposite.
Intimate partner violence and domestic abuse are alarmingly common in marriages.
Many people get married for the sake of their families while their hearts may be engaged elsewhere.
This is not to say that choice or love marriages cannot be complete disasters as well.
Some prefer to be single.
…These days there is a lot people can learn about prospective brides and grooms from social media.
They matter
…Does not meet expectation.
What if there is no compatibility in bed?
….Marriage itself is scary
Arranged marriage is not scary for some.
There are those who lucked out in the partner that was chosen for them. We do see a lot of arranged marriages where couples are blissfully happy with each other
Of course, brands also had a lot of say about #ArrangedMarriageIsScary – what if he/she puts extra ketchup on the pizza, too much oregano or leaves out the crusts.
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