A woman being made to marry someone against her own wishes while her heart belongs to someone else has been the story of countless movies, books and TV series. The woman then sending out a message to her lover by any means possible --- that is how the story usually goes. When Kusum wrote just such a note to Vishal on a Rs. 10 note, it was like real life imitating reel. And of course the image went viral. Take a look:
A popular Twitter handle by the name of Crime Master Gogo tweeted this image of a Rs. 10 note which says “Vishal ________ My wedding is on 26 April. Please come and get me, I love you, Yours, Kusum." The tweet called upon the tweeple to unite the lovers before the stated date.
Which year? Where is Kusum and where is she getting married? Also, Vishal is a common enough name – what if more than one Vishal turns up to rescue said Kusum?
What about all the other brides named Kusum who may be getting married perfectly willingly?
The parents are wondering what to do with this girl, presumably. I would also wonder – writing a note on a ten-rupee note is a really bad plan.
Some years ago, a currency note with “Sonam Gupta bewafa hai” (Sonam Gupta is unfaithful) went viral. Perhaps that was the inspiration for this?
This Vishal person seems to be playing fast and loose with the girl’s affections, conjectures this Twitter user.
Clearly not the same Vishal, judging by the cavalier use of nonserious emoticons.
This is a similar note; an exhortation to one's lover. Only this one is from Pushpa to one Deepu and Pushpa also seems to love said Deepu who she hopes will elope with her.
This commentator noticed (as many others did, doubtless) that this note looks old.
In fact, this is the pre-demonetisation note – so at least five years old. Is Kusum still waiting for Vishal? Seems doubtful.
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