Plans, What Plans? Delta Variant Won’t Let Us Make Any!

After March 2020 sent us into hibernation of a sort, our social plans travel plans all went for a toss. When things seemed to be easing up on the COVID front, the brutal and destructive Second Wave unleashed itself upon us. And now, when total cases are plateauing and we thought we could make plans, the Delta Variant of the coronavirus is rearing its ugly head. Is there no end in sight!

We can make plans

…But the Delta Variant has other ideas, as this Twin Peaks reference explains.

Even celebs are like…

Mariah Carey tweeted two pictures of herself to explain the situation: she wants to sing and be happy --- but it’s clearly not happening.

It’s worse

The Delta variant is more contagious and more deadly. Just what we didn’t plan for.

We’re planning for something

…But a whole other thing is happening instead.

Remember old Julius

That disapproving looking gent in the painting is supposed to be Julius Caesar who was stabbed by his own friends. And who is supposed to have said, You too Brutus?


We were happy and cheerful, but the pandemic has just taken the stuffing out of us – we’re exhausted, this tweet seems to say.

Back to school?

Hell no! The looming Delta Variant put paid to those plans.

Holiday plans?

Perhaps a nice scenic beach somewhere? No again.

Shooting them down

We wanted to go for a holiday or just get on with life as usual. The Delta Variant just shot down all those hopes.


Not happening – because social distancing is still a thing a year and a half after it all started.

Going out?

Dressing up and going out and being among hundreds of others? Say it with me - Not happening!

Same old, same old?

It seems some people planned to be in bed anyway, so nothing much changed for them. But that is still really sad.

Like this

It’s like the film It’s Complicated – the new boyfriend, the old husband, the old husband becoming the new boyfriend…

What we imagined…

…Versus what we got.

Plans? Delta Variant

Of course, there is a GoT-themed meme for plans and the Delta Variant destroying those plans.

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