Shashi Tharoor Breaking a Coconut Looks Like Many Other Things to the Tweeple

He is one of our most urbane and well-spoken politicians. Shashi Tharoor has become synonymous with the use of difficult words and makes headlines for the use of abstruse and perplexing words. So much so that there is now a term for this – unknown words he uses are known as Tharoorisms. He also makes news for other reasons – such as breaking a coconut:

He tweeted this

He tweeted pictures of his Onam celebrations and a prayer ritual that included smashing a coconut. It all took off from there.


In this image he is shown as a WWE participant, pummeling his opponent rather than smashing a coconut.

Or this

Here he is seen with Vin Diesel.

Very funny

Tharoor himself retweeted some of the many doctored images; claiming that this one on a cricket field where he is seen aiming for the non-striker’s end was his favourite.

Or this

They are pretty creative!

This one

Here he is seen at a Dhobhi Ghaat, pummeling not a coconut but some clothes.

Striking a pose

And here he is on a stage with other classical dancers – in a similar pose.


The picture is funny and so is the caption considering Tharoor’s characteristic verbosity.

At the Olympics

Everyone now knows that the Javelin Throw is an actual sport, thanks to Neeraj Chopra.

Some also thought along other lines

The tweet could have been a lot more complex and this sounds more like something Tharoor would have tweeted. After all it’s Tharoor tweeting – simple language doesn’t quite sit well with it – whether it’s smashing a coconut or smashing the opposition at the Oxford Union debate.

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