The Amul Ad & Everyone’s Response to the Suez Canal Being Cleared

It’s been bizarre how one ship stuck in a narrow channel has hogged international headlines for so many days; how it has impacted economies and business fortunes. Now that the Ever Given has been freed there is much celebration and relief. Even Amul made a new creative about the freeing up of the Suez Canal.

A massive problem

It was the wind. It was navigation errors. It was a combination of factors that got the ship stuck.

NASA images

The official Twitter handle of NASA Earth posted images of the line of ships waiting to get through the canal.

People had many fanciful suggestions

Such as this.

Freeing #EverGiven

It took one week, heavy machinery, an international team of salvage workers, rising tides, favourable winds to finally get the boat unstuck. This tugboat also helped.

The full moon helped

The full meant more dramatically higher and lower tides, which helped dislodge the grounded ship.

Amul topical about Suez

In its usual ‘punny’ style, it says the ‘issue’s resolved’. Amul is ‘ever given’ for taste!

Evergreen inspiration

The company Evergreen and the stuck ship have now become fodder for inspirational quotes.

And jokes

That ship has sailed – but the jokes continued.

A superhero?

For a while, it seemed as though we would need a superhero to save the situation.

Or this sailor?

Some thought of Popeye, the spinach eating seafarer.

Or maybe this guy?

Sonu Sood had organised for migrant labour to return home during the lockdown – a real live superhero.

Or maybe this

Just lubricate the ends?

Some lost interest

People had a great time creating memes. Now that the ship is free, they’ve lost interest.

Some are still interested

Because there will be a price to pay.

Some want the ship put back

Apparently there was something very comforting about the ship being stuck.

Add another

Put the ship back and add another for good measure.

There’s even a petition!

The ship stuck in the Suez Canal was a ‘beacon of hope’ for some; and a ‘distraction from the pressures of daily life during the pandemic’. Bizarrely, over 3000 people have signed the petition to Put the Boat back. I'm pretty sure that the company, crew or the people whose goods were being transported on the Ever Given don’t share this crazy wish.

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