The new Rs 10 note will be in our pockets soon. Here is everything you wanted to know about the new Rs 10 note, its features as well as the reactions that people on social media – especially Twitter – had to the note, its chocolate brown colour, its design and more.
The colour is chocolate brown and the earlier picture of the tiger, elephant and rhino will no longer be a part of the new design. Instead, the new note will feature a picture of the Konark Sun Temple. While the height of the note will be the same, its width will be less - 123 mm as against the current note (137 mm).
The new note will have the picture of the Mahatma in the centre with the one and zero numerals in Roman as well as Devnagri script. The security thread will bear the RBI and Bharat inscriptions. There will also be a see-through register with the denominational numeral; which is 10. The back of the note will have the Swachh Bharat logo, language panel and year of printing among other things.
The RBI announced that Rs 10 would now be launched in a new avatar. It is also clarified that the old Rs 10 note will continue to be a legal tender as well. In other words, the old notes will not be demonetized.
There was, of course, the inevitable Baahubali meme tweet about the new note.
The new Rs 200 and Rs 50 notes continue to elude us. There are very few who have seen or held these notes. One wonders if the new Rs 10 will be as elusive or not.
Some of us have had trouble using the 10 rupee coins; many vendors and service providers refusing to accept these for fear of them being fake. People are curious; are we going to have new 10 rupee coins as well? This is not yet clear.
Some people on Twitter thought that the colour of the note was ugly; some thought it was organic (probably not in a good way).
This is not the first time the Konark Sun Temple finds representation on our currency notes. As to how this is a lesson in inflation… well, that is anyone's guess.
For some, the intrinsic value of the currency note – which does not depend upon the condition of the currency – was important.
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