The Newest Tharoor-Ism – Taking a Dig at Acche Din

We are going to be having elections in several states soon so it’s open season for politics and politicians. This is war and apparently, all is fair including ad hominem attacks and jokes aimed at opponents. Shashi Tharoor, arguably our most loquacious (when speaking of the man, do as the man does – use big words) politician said this and a lot of people reacted.

Acche din

Tharoor mocks the campaign promise of BJP, the party in power. His tweet suggests that people have suffered waiting for said ‘good days’ to arrive; which presumably never did arrive.

The pushback

A lot of supporters of the party in power were quick to counter Tharoor’s tweet with some numbers.


Because attack is the best form of defence!

Into attack mode

A lot of responses said nothing about the promised good days but attacked Tharoor for his supposed fondness for and popularity among young women.

Like this

Because if one cannot find fault in the message, one can attack the messenger or at least mock and make fun of the messenger.

Some don’t like Tharoor’s style

For this guy, listening to Tharoor’s speech is what causes a headache.

Some don’t like his writing

…Always presuming that they have read the books in the first place to get a headache from them.

Some are hopeful

People have faith that after going down so sharply, things can only go up and IMF projections for India are positive points out this tweet.

Some believe this

The economy may be in the doldrums, Indian democracy floundering, and the nation may be down on practically every human indicator, but for some, ‘acche din’ are here.

Some disagreed

This tweet shared a video and pointed out that the only people that could see the ‘achhe din’ were those under a particular type of self-delusion.

This was pointed out

The many details of how good days aren't here and how they’ve somehow gotten worse.

Some agree with Tharoor

There are a lot of instances where Tharoor has represented India on the world stage with great aplomb – some like his style and level of scholarship.


Current unemployment levels being at their highest in over four decades, there are many who also appear to be waiting for achche din as this tweet says.

Acche din?

It is achhe din only for some, while the common man is suffering says this tweet. So while a lot of people chose to attack Shashi Tharoor for this achche din tweet, there were many who think that the ‘good days’ aren't particularly good for us right now.

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