The Proposed Dubai Multi Mode Super Port – What Is It All About?

Dubai has been home to many firsts, many futuristic ideas that have come to fruition. The world city now has its sights trained on another unique and first of its kind port, that will boast multi-functionality the like of which the world has not yet seen. We look at what the proposed Dubai multi mode port is going to be like and some of the other details that have been revealed so far.

Dubai media office tweet

The Dubai media office handle (the official twitter feed of the government) tweeted this about a multimode super port that will be the first of its kind in the world. The idea is to create an integrated travel outlet not just for air travel but also space travel and other futuristic modes of travel.

Future of transport infrastructure

The authorities aim to revolutionize the travel experience of people with the project that will involve the Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects (DAEP) working in partnership with Dubai Future Foundation. Apart from the multi mode super port, the Retractable Aircraft Cabin project is one more effort aimed at creating new and advanced travel experiences.

What this means

The port will cater not only to conventional air travel but will also facilitate supersonic and hypersonic flights and space travel and make these a commercial reality. The Al Maktoum International Airport will be reinvented to provide these enhanced super-port functionalities. The idea is to create a seamless ecosystem that encompasses aviation, space, hospitality, business and entertainment.


The super port is a part of the Dubai 10X initiative – a “government wide initiative that aims to place Dubai 10 years ahead of other cities in the world”. As the region's first spaceport with integrated aviation infrastructure, this will be the first ever cosmotropolis.

What is the retractable aircraft cabin?

This project will permit airlines to optimize their capacity based on demand for each flight quickly and efficiently while the aircraft is on the ground. Customised plane cabins on demand for business and entertainment will become possible thanks to this unique initiative.

The super-port will also have hyperloop

Though we don’t yet have too many details about this, reports indicate that the super port will also be equipped with hyperloop facilities and will also be connected to conventional means of transport. Earlier this year, in February, the Roads and Transport Authority had displayed a full scale model of the hyperloop pod at the UAE Innovation Week exposition; a mode of transport that can reach speeds of over a thousand km an hour and cut travel time between Dubai and Abu Dhabi down to just 15 minutes!

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