At a time when the Greek Goddess with the same name is forgotten and only the terror and atrocities committed by the terrorist group remains, there is one name apparently, who strikes terror in the heart of the terrorist organisation called ISIS.

Abu Azrael, in Arabic loosely means the ‘father of the angel of death’. The man using this moniker has become the face of a Shiaite Militia Group known as Kataib Al-Imam Ali, which is in open conflict against Islamic State. This group came into existence after Iraq faced the shock of ISIS overthrowing the Iraqi Army in 2014.

His real name is said to be Ayyub Faleh Al Rubaie. He is an Irani National who is said to have left Iran to come to Iraq and fight the Islamic State. It is said that he was a former Taekwondo champion who used to be a college professor and is married with five children. When he is trying to destroy ISIS he is said to be a man who likes to spend time with family.

He has used the same strategy as ISIS themselves in order to garner support. He has become the face of the struggle against ISIS in Iraq. He is known as the ‘Iraqi Rambo’ because of the videos he posted on Facebook and YouTube. His fan following is tremendous, with people coming on record to say they would do ‘anything’ for him. They even have animated shows about him kicking down jihadists.

The man himself has a huge grin on his face most of the time, he regularly works out at a gym with his brother’s in arms and he is always ready to rumble, keeping his swords, axe and rifle battle ready, in the back of his SUV.

Although his real identity remains a bit of a mystery, we do know that once he was on the ‘most wanted’ list made by the USA because he fought against them. Things have changed though, making the phrase ‘the enemy of my enemy…’ very true, because now the USA backs him in his war against the jihadists.

With his war cry of “Illa Tahin” meaning, “ground them to dust”, he has emerged as the ‘people’s champion’ by what they believe is actual action taken against the Islamic State.
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