This Guy Said Something Stupid about Women's Bodies – And Was Schooled

It is a period of churn – especially for men who find that many of their belief systems are now being questioned and found wanting. They expected women to look and behave and think a certain way – for a very long time now. However women are no longer content to be in the straightjackets that the patriarchy had made them inhabit for so long. Women aren't supposed to be strong or look muscular feel some men. Women (and a lot of evolved men) don’t agree and this started a Twitter conversation.

This tweet

This man has a problem with women who choose to be fit and strong. He wants them to conform to his ideal of 'beauty'.

The ‘explanation’

The fact that the science of that statement is a little dodgy, is beside the point. The point is that men don’t get to impose their ideas and demands on women and their bodies. ‘Reasons’ like these are an excuse to exert control over a woman’s body. Here is another guy who doesn’t get that if a woman chooses to ‘stop ovulating' that is no one’s business but her own.

To be clear

Dear men, women working out in gyms, getting ripped abs or muscles, is about what they want to do says this commentator. It really, really isn't about you.

Incel vibes

A lot of men are just very uncomfortable with all the change and would like to blame something or someone for it.  'Incel vibes' said another tweet. 

This response

A historian replied to the tweet by clarifying that no woman wanted either him or his regressive opinions; slyly suggesting a sort of incel mindset. After all, hell hath no fury as a man scorned.

Not interested

This tweet makes it clear that women are really not interested in the preconceived notions and gender prejudices that regressive men may have and express on social media.

Another male response

This commentator makes it clear that such male ‘expectations’ from women is just another way to police and control women's bodies, their choices and their freedoms.

From a teacher

Regardless of people's gender or profession, people found this tweet so annoying that they made their contempt very clear in various ways.


This one put it even more bluntly! It made a lot of people laugh though.

Putting it plainly

This man clearly finds strong women extremely attractive. And it is true that it takes a very secure man to be able to deal with strong women at a truly equal level. Women really don’t have any time for men demanding hourglass figures – the world doesn’t either. The way this commentator was schooled gives us a pretty good idea that the world has moved on, but some men refuse to.

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