This Is Going Is Going Viral – It Is Namaz with A Twist

Though everything Islamic in India is now attempted to be painted as somehow alien and inimical, there is no way we can progress if we demonise 14% of our population. It is only by embracing every Indian citizen as a part of this country – along with their respective cultures, languages, customs and beliefs – that we can be a peaceful, prosperous and progressive nation. An image of soldiers of the 15 corps in Srinagar offering namaz seemed to have peeved some people. For me however, this exemplifies all that is wonderful and exemplary about my India:

Soldiers offering namaz in Srinagar

In the image, we see men in uniform on the carpeted floor seated in a position of prayer along with Corps Commander Lt Gen DP Pandey. Clearly, this is a multi-faith congregation as the assembled men are seen to be sporting different head coverings including a Sikh pugdi.

Another soldier preparing for puja

Air Commodore Hilal Ahmad Rather can be seen in this image, preparing for Shastra Puja for Rafale jets. I have myself seen how personnel of all faiths participate in Hindu festivals and pujas, Sikh langars, Iftari or Eid celebrations and so on. This has always a beautiful tradition of our military 

A soldier explains

The bond between soldiers who live and fight and work together is strong and it transcends religious denominations. That identity as a soldier subsumes other identities. Lt Col Sandeep Ahlawat explains how the army has a strong tradition of worshipping together. It isn't that the soldier ignores his faith; rather he makes it stronger by sharing it as explained in this video.  The sarv dharm sthal (universal prayer hall or place) is to be found in most cantonments.

A veteran shared his experiences

While soldiers will pray alongside their brother of other faiths they do so in their private capacity; usually in civvies rather than in uniform, remarks this veteran.

Another image

For some reason, the image of soldiers of all faiths offering namaz during the holy month of Ramzan seemed to irk some of the tweeple. Responding to them, people shared other images such as this one.

Other forms of our pluralism

Other commentators chimed in with their experiences of India's uniquely syncretic traditions where people are deeply faithful to their own belief systems, but equally respectful to those of others.

Praying side by side

Secularism is a dirty word today in our country but Indian secularism is beautiful and unique. Unlike other forms of secularism, which seek to remove religiosity from the public sphere, Indian secularism recognises that we are a deeply religious society and imagines a world where people embrace and celebrate all religious denominations equally.

Salute to our men and women in uniform

I have seen how priests of all major Indian religions are present for the raising day of an Air Force squadron. Though I myself am an atheist and completely non-religious I found this moving and beautiful – simply the definition of what it means to be an Indian: the embracing of diversity, plurality and difference. The image of soldiers of all faiths offering namaz is what we should as a nation, be proud of. If we are not, then that is quite simply tragic.

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