This New Icon For The All India Radio App Gives Only One Message From India. Here Are The Rest!

It appeared to be a well thought out strategy that was unveiled via the Prime Minister's Independence Day address from the ramparts of the Red Fort last 15th August. For some, it was a curious choice: talking about Balochistan and another's nation’s conflict on the day of our own independence but subsequent feints from the government show where this was leading. The All India Radio app explicates this agenda even further:

The Independence Day remarks marked a change

When PM Narendra Modi spoke about the hapless people of Balochinstan reaching out to him and thanking him, this changed the India Pak equation significantly.

What the comment signified

Essentially the PM was sending out a message that if our neighbor continues to take advantage of Indian vulnerabilities (read Kashmir) and internationalize India’s internal matters, India can do the same and respond in kind.

The Baloch conflict has a long history

The Balochistan conflict has been ongoing for nearly 70 years and has become a stronger, broader movement since 2003.

What is the Balochistan conflict about?

There are continuing allegations of human rights violations by the Pak army and other authorities in the region. Baloch nationalists have been agitating for greater autonomy of a region that is rich in natural resources but continues to be one of the least developed areas of Pakistan.

The signal also goes out to the Chinese

Pak’s great current ally China has invested heavily in the Balochistan area because of the crucial location and strategic importance of the province. India’s Balochi message goes out to both inimical neighbours.

AIR Balochi service

All India Radio's Balochi service (short wave) was inaugurated way back in 1974. This is a one hour capsule featuring news, cultural programmes and commentaries that reaches several parts of Pakistan.

The multimedia website and app is launched

The multimedia website and app for the Balochi service from AIR was launched yesterday. It is meant to enable Balochis all over the world to get access to Indian content.

The app to keep Balochis connected

The app and multimedia channel is available to people all over the world via the internet and is meant to help the Balochi Diaspora feel connected.

Another message?

Is it also meant to send out another message to Pakistan?

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