Why People of Lakshadweep Are Upset – In 8 Simple Points

Why do wealthy Indians and Indian celebs go to the Maldives for holidays? Why don’t they just go to Lakshadweep which is much closer and is actually a part of India? Why are these stunningly beautiful islands in the Arabian Sea not a tourist magnet? Why are the people of this archipelago mainly fisherfolk when they could be having a thriving tourist trade? And, most pertinently, why is the local population of about 65,000 people protesting against recent policy changes made by the administrator Praful Khoda Patel?

Location of Lakshadweep

This is a group of 36 coral islands, only ten of which are inhabited. The Lakshadweep archipelago is located off the coast of Kerala and just to the north of the Maldives. These islands have breathtaking natural beauty with pristine beaches and cerulean waters and India’s only coral atolls (a ring-shaped coral reef enclosing a lagoon partly or wholly). Fishing and industries based on coconut fibre are the main occupations.


Apart from Kashmir, this is the only Muslim majority (96%) region of India.  The culture bears affinity to the mainland region of Kerala. People here are highly literate (literacy rate of 92%) and population growth is low and fertility is below the national average. The rate of poverty is almost nonexistent by Indian standards, as is crime – the area has among the lowest crimes rates in India. 

Development is good, right?

Surely, the development of the region is a good idea; giving the inhabitants the chance to live more prosperous lives? Building super-luxury resorts like these could mean lucrative revenue sources for the locals. Yes, development is good as long as the locals are desirous of this and as long as non-islanders are not permitted to exploit and plunder these areas to the detriment of the locals. Right now, this is a serious concern for the locals who feel that changes are being made without any consultation or regard for their wellbeing or wishes. 

Enter Praful Patel

He is the administrator (rather like the Lt Gov. post in other union territories). He is known to be very powerful and a close associate of the Prime Minister. As of January 2020, he was appointed administrator of Dadra and Nagar Haveli as well as Daman & Diu. In December 2020 he was given additional charge of the Lakshadweep islands as well.  

New laws

Soon after Patel was appointed administrator in this tropical paradise, he brought about sweeping changes. The Lakshadweep Animal Preservation Regulation, 2021 was introduced. Additionally, the Prevention of Anti-Social Activities Regulation (PASA); the Lakshadweep Panchayat Regulation, 2021 and Lakshadweep Development Authority Regulation 2021 are also introduced.

Sweeping changes

The slew of new laws effectively places a ban on beef in the islands. However, it permits the sale of alcohol in three islands, which was restricted to just one before this. The new laws will permit the authorities to detain and jail people without discloser for up to a year for anything that they see as ‘anti-social’ activities. Though there is no over-population issue here, those with more than two children will not be permitted to contest panchayat elections (and just by the way, about one-third of MPs of the ruling party have more than two children at present).

COVID in the islands and outcry against changes

Patel changed the COVID quarantine regulations permitting people to enter the islands. The region that had seen zero cases till the end of 2020 now has about 10% of the population infected with the disease. Huts of fisherfolk on the beaches have been demolished and two poultry farms have been shut. 

The recent changes to laws mean that the government can acquire any land for ‘development’ purposes and the owners would have no say in the matter. The locals are afraid not only of a change in their culture, demographics and way of life but are also concerned for their rights and liberty given the sweeping changes made. Locals are upset and with just cause, it seems.


Lakshadweep MP Mohammed Faizal said that neither he nor other people’s representatives were consulted before bludgeoning through the sweeping changes listed above. The possible destruction of natural habitats, threat to flora and fauna and the local people have attracted the attention of citizens as well as celebrities. #SaveLakshadweep and similar hashtags have been trending on social media recently, with many influential voices raising their voices against something that is seen to militate against the will and the interests of the locals. The people of India will now see whether the government will continue with laws passed without consultation, much less consensus. The people who these laws are supposed to benefit seem completely against them - is anyone in power listening?

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