To varying degrees, all women struggle with prejudice, patriarchy and injustice; social and familial restrictions, professional limitations, simply because they were born a particular gender. So Women's Day means different things to different women. For some, Women’s Day is a reminder that there is much work to be done, simply for many women to achieve basic rights. For a few fortunate women, this is a day to pause and reflect on the fact that the freedom and relative parity that they enjoy today are possibly because of the efforts and struggles of other women, made previously for the cause of women everywhere. Here are a few short videos that speak about the struggles of women and put them into perspective.
This is a must watch for all the men (and all the women I have to add) who believe that women are at fault when rapes happen, that gender policing is required only for women and who consciously or unconsciously perpetuate sexism at home, at work and in society at large. This is for all those who believe that women’s activities should be curtailed … for their own safety.
There are several things that people assume women cannot do, and are not strong enough to be good at. “Ladki hokar” is the phrase that often precedes restrictions placed on women, limiting their actions, narrowing their options and circumscribing their behaviors. Of all the reasons for respecting a woman, her professional competence is just one.
If we in India disparagingly say “ladki hokar” those in the west disparage and ridicule with the “like a girl” suffix. So if you run/fight like a girl, you're doing it poorly. The video above makes the case that none of us is born with these gendered misconceptions; they are the result of certain pernicious stereotypes that we’re fed on as we grow.
What is beautiful? What is average looking? Who decides? Why cannot we celebrate who we are, without feeling inadequate or not good enough in any way?
Sacrifice is quality so enshrined in our society as being worthy and virtuous; that women are constantly being told to put everyone else before themselves and their own desires. If a woman is her own last priority, she is a good woman, says society. So typically, doing things that they enjoy, taking time out for themselves is something women are either made to feel terribly guilty about, or prevented from doing entirely. This TV commercial does a good job of cocking a snook at all those societal expectations and familial demands on a woman’s time and the subduing of her aspirations.
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