He is arguably one of the greatest ever players of tennis, however, his stance on the vaccine has been puzzling. Novak Djokovic has repeatedly and publicly refused to be vaccinated, even forfeiting his Grand Slam ambitions in the bargain when his Australian visa was cancelled. He has now explained his stance in an interview with Amol Rajan of the BBC, where he answers the question Why Novak, Why, Why?
In a carefully worded reply to questions posed, Djokovic takes care not to align himself to the anti-vaxxer lobby. However he seems categorically committed to not taking the vaccine, even choosing to forfeit his professional ambitions in the process.
A lot of people agree with Djokovic that vaccines should be a matter of choice and not mandated – particularly in the case of someone who is very fit and hence unlikely to experience serious illness
A lot of the man’s fans feel that his stance is an indication of the courage of his convictions; commitment to the principles he believes in.
This is clearly a thought expressed by someone who has had zero exposure to actual oppression.
…Or obstinacy? Is it the courage of his conviction or just cussedness that makes a man forgo his professional ambitions in favour of a very public stance?
He may not like the descriptor, but an anti-vaxxer is precisely what he is, pointed out many Twitter handles, including this post by Ryan Air.
Is this really about controlling what we put in our bodies - can we really do that with any level of certainty?
Some feel that the tennis player’s stance comes from a position of privilege and sense of entitlement that expects not to have to abide by the rules that govern others.
Those that frame the anti vaxxer narrative as one based on personal choice are wrong, feel a lot of people. This is a matter of public health where the decisions of some could impact the wellbeing of others
They think this is just thoughtlessness; actions that signal scant regard for the wellbeing of others. The longer people resist vaccines, the longer it takes to eradicate a disease or at least to create herd immunity.
This political correspondent is wondering why one of the world’s most respected publications, the BBC is wasting primetime on Novak Djokovic when there are so many other pressing issues.
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