After Deleting Dating Apps, They Want to Delete LinkedIn, Instagram, WhatsApp?

Recently we saw the trend where people claimed to want to find love the old-fashioned way, saying that they wanted to delete dating apps. What followed was the tweeple sharing outlandish stories of meeting people in ways that sounded suspiciously like the stories of popular romcoms and TV series. Then people thought that they could also do without other apps. So we saw ‘delete LinkedIn’ trending because people wanted to ‘find jobs the old-fashioned way’. Delete Instagram, Ola, Uber, streaming apps followed.

This sort of thing

People wanted to delete dating apps because Shrek sounded way more interesting.

Deleting LinkedIn

LinkedIn is for professional networks – perhaps not necessary if one is a street vendor selling potatoes.

One way to get a job

Maybe this guy could get a job scripting a TV series!


…That sounds like the story of Suits and Mike Ross in particular

Some were realistic

LinkedIn profiles can be really useful for a lot of professionals. For others, they just exist without serving any particular purpose.

Old-fashioned means

Begging and using nepotism – both time-honoured, if not honourable techniques.


Why depend upon LinkedIn to do what one can do better personally, says this commentator.

Then there is this

Remember the Oscar-winning Korean film from a few years ago – Parasite? That's another way to get jobs – for the whole family.

Also deleting Instagram?

There are better, more direct ways to stalk people, said some of the tweeple.

Why no WhatsApp as well?

Maybe we can do without WhatsApp as well?

And Google Maps?

Because there is always, always, always a paan ki dukaan somewhere around.

Or this

If one doesn’t have much to say, maybe social media isn't a lot of use?

Good idea

When others are taking exotic vacations, it can be difficult to watch.

And this!

Some went to the next logical step: Why keep Ola and Uber apps on the phone – when one can get lifts for free!

Deleting OTT apps too!

There is something to be said for watching TV together as a family – but would that mean having to watch regressive saas-bahu serials?

Deleting Twitter?

This may get one into even more trouble!

No social media?

This commentator wants to delete LinkedIn and all social media apps – now during the social distancing during the pandemic, the need to meet people in person is all the more acute.

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