Tweeple Have Been Asking For the Edit Button - Twitter Gave Them Gyan Instead

On Facebook, you can edit your post or your comment. On Twitter, you cannot. So once you tweet, the tweet cannot be edited even if there is a spelling error or other mistake. You can delete the tweet but then you also delete the likes, shares, retweets that the tweet received. The tweeple have been asking, cajoling Twitter to add the ‘Edit’ button for ages.

Gyaan from Twitter

People asked for an edit button and Twitter offered sage advice... Which incidentally no one had asked for.

Many were like…

Why Twitter? Why would you want to start something up out of nowhere? Why not let sleeping dogs lie?

The struggle is real!

Typing from a handheld device, with autocorrect doing its own thing – it can get difficult sometimes.

Adobe photoshop also had gyaan to offer

Hmmm – sounds like they are asking people to doctor posts – sounds kind of illegal.


The in-browser spelling and grammar checker plugin added their gyaan.

This sort of thing happens!

As this Twitter user says, he is ready to forgive himself but will his neighbour do the same?


Throw us a bone here, some of the tweeple seemed to be saying. When we read back what we've written we often find some glaring mistakes.


This functionality is available, pointed out this tweet – if one is willing to pay, that is.

Other demands

Remember when they gave us Fleets (like stories) and Dark Mode (like every other social media platform)? Yeah, people can do without some of that.

Or this

Others had some minor, but pretty specific requests.

Do it already

Others joined the ‘give us an edit button’ chorus.

Speak for yourself, Twitter

Many of the tweeple were like – don’t tell us what we need!

Some disagree

Many feel that an edit button is liable to be misused. I agree. Twitter can be toxic!


People keep asking for the edit button but some would ask – how difficult is it to check before you tweet? It’s just 280 characters, not an essay!

And so it goes

People ask for an Edit button and Twitter does not give them an edit button.

People are annoyed

Then people forget about it.

And then…

…Twitter stirs things up by giving us gyaan and it starts off again. Sigh! Talk about tempest in a Twitter cup.

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