7 Most Popular Sports in The World

7. Table Tennis - In this list Table Tennis is at the 7th position with around 900 million fans in the world.
6. Volleyball - While Volleyball is the 6th most popular sport in the world, with 900 million fans in the world.
5. Tennis - This game is at no 5 in this list with 1 billion fans around Europe, America and Asia.
4. Hockey - Both games, field and Ice hockey are on the 4th most popular sports in the world with 2-3 billion fans.
3. Basketball - This game is at the 3rd position in this list with the 2-3 billion fans all over the world.
2. Cricket - It is the second most popular game in the world with 2-3 billion fans in the world.
1. Soccer - It is the most popular game in the world with 3.3-3.5 billion fans all over the world.

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