Renowned Indian film director, producer and screenwriter adopted Meghna Ghai, when she was a little baby. She did her higher studies in the UK and is happily married today. She is also the President of Whistling Woods International Institute, one of the best film schools in India.
He adopted little Dishani, when she was found abandoned near a roadside garbage dump in West Bengal. He rescued her and provided all means of care. As of today, she's all grown up and it seems, she will be following her father's footstep, soon. According to some news portals, she has done a course in acting from the New York Film Academy and is likely to enter Bollywood.
As a single mother initially, she adopted and raised two kids Chhaya and Pooja in the year 1995, when they were 11 and 8 years old, respectively. In the year 2016, Chhaya tied the knot with Shawn Mendes in Goa. While, her elder daughter, Pooja is an event manager and also a mom to a son.
The Golmaal director adopted 10 kids during his 'Cancer Patients and Associations programme' and covered their medication and hospital bills.
She has also adopted two girls Renee and Alisah and is raising them as a single mother. She is a proud single mother who makes us proud too.
Before her marriage, she adopted 34 orphan girls, on her 34th birthday in 2009, from an orphanage in Rishikesh. She provides all the resources for their education and basic needs.
This beautiful Indian TV couple took a really great step by adopting their caretaker's kids. In an interview, they told the media that "Jay and I love them. We want to educate them and yes in future, even if we have our own kids, we will give the same life. We will not differentiate."
They became proud parents, when they decided to adopt two girls Pooja and Lata in March 2017. They met them at a family wedding in Jarampur. According to Mumbai Mirror, he explained, "After hearing about their plight from my mother, I discussed it with my wife. Debina agreed with me that it was time to give the kids a home, a deserving education and my last name."
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