On Tuesday, the daughter of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s younger brother Prahladbhai passed away. She was having some prolonged heart illness.
Her name was Nikunjaben Modi, who used to give private tuitions to the school students. She died at the age of just 41.
She has a husband Jagdishbhai, who works in a private company and a 12-year-old son. They used to live in a rented house in Bhopal.
According to some sources, she was taking the treatment from an eminent heart surgeon R.K. Patel in Ahmedabad, but unfortunately she passed away leaving behind her son alone with her father.
The Prime Minister's brother Prahladbhai Modi, who is vice president of All-India Fair Price Shop Dealers Federation hasn't said anything to the media personally, yet. But, our consolidation is with all the family. May she rest in peace.
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