Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh has a 25 year old former sister-in-law Akanksha Sharma, who is now lives with her parents in Gurgaon. She is the former wife of Yuvraj Singh's brother, Zorawar Singh.
Recently, she appeared as the newcomer on the TV reality show 'Bigg Boss 10' as a contestant, where she confessed that she was cricketer Yuvraj Singh’s former sister-in-law.
Akansha was married to Zorawar for four months however, they have been separated for nearly two years now.
On the show, she blamed her mother-in-law Shabnam Singh for her troubled marriage with Zorawar.
She said that she had no problem with her husband or Yuvraj, she could not deal with her mother-in-law. Finally, she left and will soon get a divorce. Now, she wants to start her new life.
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