Unless you’ve been living under a rock or have been off the radar for another reason, you’ve heard that Rahul Bose had to pay Rs. 442.5 for two bananas – boo hoo hoo. It certainly makes sense for marketers to cash in on current affairs and viral topics such as this one. So while everyone was sharing their own Rahul Bose moment on social media, ad people and copywriters got to work:
Godrej Nature's Basket quickly showed people how not to have a Rahul Bose moment; offering bananas for a tiny fraction of the price that the actor famously paid for two at the J W Marriot in Chandigarh.
This ad for a condom brand labels their product ‘priceless’ vis-à-vis expensive fruit. While underlining the importance of using protection, the brand clearly doffs its hat at the Mastercard tagline as well.
The snack manufacturer makes a strong case for banana chips: tasty, with a much longer shelf life than bananas and way cheaper than having a Rahul Bose moment.
This hotel chain claims to offer stays for about the same price others charge for two pieces of fruit.
This ad by a popular insurance portal puts things into perspective when they juxtapose insurance premium payable with some costly fruit.
The ride share or carpool app, Quick Ride also advertised using the overpriced banana theme.
For the price that is now famous, you get access to three months of streaming entertainment, free delivery, e-books, students discount and more, Amazon Prime rushed to assure us.
Invest in generating leads for your business rather than waste it on Rahul Bose moments suggests this tweet.
The railways are not really known for their brilliant ads, though this time they tried to jump on the viral bandwagon train too.
…By speaking about the health benefit of bananas and making it about a good night’s sleep. Apparently where there is a will viral meme, there is a way!
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