Imagine watching two extremely beautiful women clad in wedding attire, fighting in the supermarket over a man who died three times in the past 6 years. And then imagine 6 friends sitting in a coffee house, chatting and making fun each other. What would your prefer watching? The latter, we hope. Here are 5 ways in which American TV kicks Indian TV’s behind.
They have a story which makes sense and stays sensible

Definitely not.
No, mother-in-law, I am not related to your ex-husband’s sister’s illegitimate son’s third wife. Seriously.
They have a beginning and then they end , no nonsense in the middle

Oh totally.
Sure, it hurt a lot when ‘How I met your Mother’ went off air, but it was much better than having Ted Mosby and his friends take a 20 year old leap where their kids are then telling their kids the story of how they met their mother. Can you keep track?
The female characters are dressed normally and even wear pajama’s

That’s right
Why are beautiful Indian telly actresses subjected to multiple layers of gaudy makeup that makes them look like ready made brides even when they’re watering plants in the garden? Why?
The bad guy isn’t the same character used in every other show by every single channel

Ah, well.
Oh my god. Every Indian sitcom has one villain that is either a scorned lover or a very old business associate who was cheated on by his partner. And not only is this villain extremely gorgeous, he ends up dying for no logical reason. Always.
There is real music in the background

Yes, Please
Hollywood shows have catchy music that makes you remember a scene fondly even when you’re not watching it. You can hum to it all day long. India telly scores are so horrendous they remind you of train announcements. Eesh!