ISO Certifications for Library, Hospital & Now A Home. Guess How & Why?

ISO 9000 refers to a group of quality management systems and standards that help maintain quality and other standards of products, services or programs; dealing with the fundamentals of quality management systems. We look at some Indian products and services that have been ISO certified; including one household in Chennai!

The 7 quality management principles

ISO 9000 certifications are based on performance parameters such as customer focus, leadership, engagement of people, process approach, improvement, evidence-based decision making and relationship management.  

ISO Certifications in India

In 2009, 2010 and 2014, India was among the top ten countries that received the most number of ISO certifications. Indian products and services received 37,493 certifications in 2008, 33,250 certifications in 2010 and 41,016 certifications in 2014.

IIT Kharagpur

This prestigious educational institution added another feather to its cap when it became the first Indian university to get ISO certification. The institution's Central Library received ISO 9001:2015 Certification and became India’s first library to do so. The library's unique smartphone app and the innovative Reading Lounge are features that helped.

Education division of ITDC

The Ashok Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Management (AIH&TM), which is associated with ITDC (India Tourism Development Corporation), has been certified with ISO 9001:2015 certification for imparting quality education in hospitality and tourism management.

Organisations of the Union water resource ministry also got ISO certification

The Central Water and Power Research Station (CWPRS), located in Pune, Maharashtra and the Central Soil and Materials Research Station (CSMRS) have received ISO 9001 certificates. The two agencies are a part of the Union water resources ministries. The R&D done by these agencies into water resources, coastal engineering and power is what gained them this prestige.

Indian hospital received certification

At a time when Indian hospitals are in the news for all the wrong reasons, one hospital received the ISO certification; helping to restore some of the faith of people in medical services and standards.

And now an Indian household receives certification!

They are an ISO certified household/family! The Suranas in Chennai are probably the only ones in India to have received this certification of quality. The other family members are permanent customers, while visitors are temporary customers who may receive a feedback form along with their cup of tea! The quality control applies even to vacation packing and itinerary management; though once on holiday, the strictures are relaxed!


The grandmother is the household head or representative and mother is the management representative. When the family law firm Surana & Surana (Asia’s first ISO certified law firm) was in the process of receiving certification, the idea for doing the same for the family struck the family members. Now, the company and the family are both certified!

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